Child of Fortune is a 501c3 tax exempt, charitable organization.
Donations are IRS verified tax deductible.
Child of Fortune is tax exempt, charitable organization focused on emergency housing for community college students currently attending a partner college. We will provide a bed, dinner and breakfast to participants.
Situational homeless does not need to mean the end to a student's pursuit of a better career, achieving goals, and dreams. By providing emergency shelter the student can gain the time and help needed to stay in school and achieve a stable living arrangement.
Students are provided more than just a place to sleep, study and food. The program students also receive one-on-one therapy and group therapy sessions with a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. The therapist donates his time for this important activity. It is important to help the student address the causes of homelessness, shame, guilt and personal goals to assure the student is more resilient and prepared in the future to succeed in academics and career.
Child of Fortune is currently seeking a 2000+ square foot space within 5 miles of Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA to pilot this program.
This facility will be different from other emergency shelters.
The students will receive WIFI and computer access to assure classwork does not suffer, a study friendly location, meditation space and a reserved bed to minimize the time spent away from campus.
Planned facility hours 7 PM to 7 AM 365 days a year
of Fortune
The Problem:
Our Solution:
Plan A
Plan B
The primary goal is completion of the current quarter and transition to a more stable living arrangement.
The program is building a working in partnership with the partner community college to dovetail current program for need to this emergency housing option.
The program is building and has established relationships with other need based organizations in Pierce County, WA. We use our resources, persistence and energies to help bridge the relationships needed to move the student from homelessness to stable housing.